Thursday, May 14, 2020

Love and Mercy Discussion - Marians of the Immaculate Conception

    Today was a very meaningful day for me, even if I'm just staying at home, I was able to hear mass, and the message of God's word is to love one another as the way God loves His only son Jesus, and just as how Jesus loves us. I also rented the LOVE AND MERCY, movie about the Divine Mercy, and St. Faustina. It has been a week when I saw the movie but it has left a lasting impression on me. I also shared it again to others.
 I also joined one of the Association of Marian Helpers, FRIENDS OF MERCY. Even if I am not from the U.S or Canada, I was able to join. One mission of a "friend of mercy," is sharing the message of our Lord Jesus, His love and mercy for us. Also, to pray the Chaplet of Mercy, and of course helping the Marian Fathers, and the Divine Mercy organization in the U.S through donations. You get a monthly FRIENDS OF MERCY newsletter. Mine is electronic newsletter. If you are interested just visit their website.

Just click here ->   Divine Mercy Website

I really learned a lot from this discussion by Rev.Fr. Kaz and Fr.Chris Alar. I really don't mind spending a little because I'm thinking of the great blessing of the Divine Mercy that is shared to others. One interesting information that I learned is that the Diary of St. Faustina was banned for a time, due to the error in translations. It was Pope Paul VI who lifted the ban and not Pope John Paul II.

Many are suffering now because of the virus, Covid19. We can look up at St. Faustina, because she also suffered a lot.

The message of the Divine Mercy, through St. Faustina, also known as the Secretary of the Divine Mercy was given 5 channels of grace in which we could have hope and trust. Here is a good acronym mentioned by Fr. Chris Alar. Like a little bird.

F east of the Divine Mercy
I mage of the Divine Mercy
N ovena of the Divine Mercy
C haplet of the Divine Mercy
H our of Mercy (3 o'clock)

According to Fr. Kaz, the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy prayer. It is asking the Father through the atoning death of His Son to have mercy upon us, and upon the whole world. We are begging God the Father through the death of His Son to have mercy on us because we know we are in great need. The chaplet, we know from the life of St. Faustina, is a prayer from every occasion, in preparation for death, to overcome natural disasters, the effectiveness and efficaciousness of this prayer, and also praying for those who have passed away. This is the extension of the Eucharist because we offer, we surrender Jesus to the Father. A powerful prayer, and the movie talks about the image.

In addition Fr. Chris Alar said that the promises that Jesus gives to those who venerate this image. The facial feature of our Lord matches the actual shroud. So this image is a living icon. When the Lord appeared to Faustina, it is the actual feast of the holy icon. We know the Easter tradition is a window to eternity, in it we see the face of the Father's mercy. With it came many promises. Blessed Fr. Michael Sopocko had written down the word of St. Faustina, that when chastisment for sins come upon your nation and the whole world   and it seems there is utter degragation there is hope and protection in this image. Those who hold this image of mercy, in reverence. Jesus said He will shield and He will protect, and He will give graces to the homes and the family that have this image. As I was saying its not a magic wand, its not a rabbit's foot but we have hope in what it represents, and that is Jesus the Divine Mercy. I recently bought the Chaplet of Mercy which includes the Chaplet Rosary. Even before I was a devotee of the Divine Mercy. I use to say the Chaplet of Mercy and the novena. I even have a double cassette tape of the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy set to music by Jim Cowan which was given to me by my late aunt.

Fr. Kaz tells us this account from St. Faustina's diary. There is a nun who asked Faustina did God forgive me my sins? (She was afraid that she was not forgiven.) Faustina then asked the Lord, and he answered. "Her lack of trust, wounds me more deeply than her sins." We also have to be merciful to ourselves, not only to others.

Dr. Scott Hahn said, mercy is actually greater than forgiveness. Mercy is divine because mercy is beyond letting go. Mercy is reconciling.

The message that we have from St. Faustina, death is not the end, the cross is not the final word. The resurrection of Christ is the final word.

There are a lot of wisdom and wonderful messages you can pick up in the discussion video. So if you have not seen it you can still rent at

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