Friday, August 28, 2020

Aquinas 101 - Thomistic Institute

      I have always been interested in studying things pertaining to God. I almost took up a Master's degree before at Maryhill School of Theology, but I did not pursue it. When I was still a student, I always look forward to our Religion class, not all students are very fond of it, I am an exception he!he!he!

Studying Distance Learning is expensive. I took two courses in English before, at Thompson Education Direct formerly known as International Correspondence School. Right now, I want to study Theology, apologetics, anything about the Roman Catholic faith. I asked a group online, Catholic Apologetics Geek, if they can recommend a free Distance learning course. They suggested a few, and one that caught my interest is the free course by the Dominicans from the Thomistic Institute. I enrolled within the same day, and I started my first course this week. I studied about the life of St. Thomas Aquinas. I also like the course offered by St. Paul website, the one by Dr. Scott Hahn, but it is not entirely free. 

I chose this Distance learning course because, I admire the Dominicans. As a teenager, and up to now I always listen to their 7 Last Words sermon, and my family is devotee of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. We also hear mass at Sto. Domingo church on feast days. 

I have two days off since the pandemic, and I like to partly spend it in studying. During these difficult times our mind can be polluted with negative thoughts, as St. Paul has mentioned in his letter to the Philippians chapter 4:8, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, and if there is anything worthy of praise, think of all these things."

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